Well, think most of my facebook friends know me as Hyun, Dae, known me as a talkative facebook user thats why one time i was like banned by facebook admnistrator for talking too much, some known me as flirt, some known me as girls friends collector, ( cause i got lot of girls friends than boys i dunno why ~ boys are afraid of me i think kyahahahah~ ) i thnk i only got 3 active boys friends in facebook really ~^^ sweear can. whats wrong wit boys ? i dont bite :) LOL~
so i think its one of a evidence that im much talkative isnt it ? :)) so here it goes.
(sorry for my bad english not so good lahh >< )
I'm Dae Hyun Lim Jeong, im the only child of my parents , my omma is a chinese
and my appa is korean :D my life is such a boring one so sure you'll be bored also
if u read this kyahaha~ i just write it cause... ive nothng to do, ><
My appa (Dad) got second family , he ady got 1 child from his second wife so considered its my step sister , he leave me and my mom since I was 1 year old. so i live wit my mom only, my appa is a good doctor, one of famous doctor here in anyang seoul ~ so i must be proud aso ^^
I live my life witout the love of my appa ~ i use to attend school activities alone , who use to be wit my dad, but since hes not around i need to go alone. aigoo pitty me,. kyahahah~ still i got my mom so fight !
mom was like so affected when dad leave us she seems she lost her half life,
sheve been stayng in her room evrytme, she even got no time for me
so its like that " IM LIVING ALONE " :))
i only see my dad during weekends, i go to his clinic and try to observe since he want me to be a doctor ^^ even if i dont want >< still i support him, just a sign of respect and to let him know that he still hav a son, he still hav ME :)
ive been even thankful that i got problem in my heart , a lil hole in it, so i need to go to the doctor , to check me, Aigo ~ thanks god i got this kind of illnes
still i can communicate with my appa~ kyahahah^^ silly me, but thats my happiness~^^
A year befor i go to University, My appa died cause of his illness,my mom was so affected its like thyr still living togther silly mom hahahah! or mybe shes still loving appa even they hav theyr seperate lives.:<
Bcause of that mom decided to stay in here own place CHINA so she can slowly mov on and enjoy her life thr wit his sisters and brothers,
but then i decided to take medicine doctor , i decided to stay here in korea with my computer, my wallet without money :)) , and our house, i live alone ><
well i use to be alone ever since, so its not new to me :))
and now, as of my writing im still alone, Infront of my Computer, my wallet with no money in my packet, inside my messy room ~
Thats all i can share hope it help you to know me better, That im not just a Happy go lucky guy ! that still I got my own story ~ even if its boring kyahahah~:))
Till here. ~
Dae Hyun ♥